
On this page you can find the publications related to the 2D-PRINTABLE project

List of publications

  • Bartlam, C., Saigal, N., Heiserer, S., Lambers, H., Wurstbauer, U., & Duesberg, G. S. (2024). Orientation Dependent Interlayer Coupling in Organic–Inorganic Heterostructures. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 34, Issue 28). Wiley.
  • Kubetschek, N., Backes, C., & Goldie, S. (2024). Algorithm for Reproducible Analysis of Semiconducting 2D Nanomaterials Based on UV‐VIS Spectroscopy. In Advanced Materials Interfaces. Wiley.
  • Azadmanjiri, J., Regner, J., Sturala, J., & Sofer, Z. (2024). Decoding Niobium Carbide MXene Dual-Functional Photoactive Cathode in Photoenhanced Hybrid Zinc-Ion Capacitor. In ACS Materials Letters (Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 1338–1346). American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Kaur, H., Konkena, B., McCrystall, M., Synnatschke, K., Gabbett, C., Munuera, J., Smith, R., Jiang, Y., Bekarevich, R., Jones, L., Nicolosi, V., & Coleman, J. N. (2024). Liquid-Phase Exfoliation of Arsenic Trisulfide (As2S3) Nanosheets and Their Use as Anodes in Potassium-Ion Batteries. In ACS Nano (Vol. 18, Issue 31, pp. 20213–20225). American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • McCrystall, M., Gabbett, C., Kaur, H., Carey, T., Munera, J., Gannon, L., Mc Guinness, C., Nicolosi, V., Coleman, J. N., & Konkena, B. (2024). Liquid Processed Nano As4S4/SWCNTs Composite Electrodes for High-Performance Li-Ion and Na-Ion Battery Anodes. In Energy & Fuels. American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Söll, A., Lopriore, E., Ottesen, A., Luxa, J., Pasquale, G., Sturala, J., Hájek, F., Jarý, V., Sedmidubský, D., Mosina, K., Sokolović, I., Rasouli, S., Grasser, T., Diebold, U., Kis, A., & Sofer, Z. (2024).High-κ Wide-Gap Layered Dielectric for Two-Dimensional van der Waals Heterostructures. In ACS Nano (Vol. 18, Issue 15, pp. 10397–10406). American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Gabbett, C., Kelly, A. G., Coleman, E., Doolan, L., Carey, T., Synnatschke, K., Liu, S., Dawson, A., O’Suilleabhain, D., Munuera, J., Caffrey, E., Boland, J. B., Sofer, Z., Ghosh, G., Kinge, S., Siebbeles, L. D. A., Yadav, N., Vij, J. K., Aslam, M. A., Matkovic, A., Coleman, J. N. (2024).
    Understanding how junction resistances impact the conduction mechanism in nano-networks. Nature Communications. (Vol. 15, Issue 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Ricciardulli, A. G., Christopher, P., Zhuravlova, A., Kelly, A., Ma, C., Laquai, F., Coleman, J. N., & Samorì, P. (2024). Defect-Engineering of Liquid-Phase Exfoliated 2D Semiconductors: Stepwise Covalent Growth of Electronic Lateral Hetero-Networks. In Materials Horizons. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
  • Roy, P. K., Mosina, K., Hengtakaeh, S., Sarkar, K. J., Mazánek, V., Luxa, J., & Sofer, Z. (2024). Next-Generation Self-Powered Photodetectors using 2D Bismuth Oxide Selenide Crystals. In ACS Applied Nano Materials. American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Moro, F., Wu, B., Plutnarová, I., Plutnar, J., & Sofer, Z. (2024). Low-Temperature Electron Spin Resonance Study of MnPS3 Antiferromagnetic Single Crystal. In The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Sensi, M., de Oliveira, R. F., Berto, M., Paradisi, A., Greco, P., Bortolotti, C. A., Samorì, P., & Biscarini, F. (2024). How Biorecognition Affects the Electronic Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide in Electrolyte‐GatedTransistor Immunosensors. In Advanced Functional Materials (Vol. 34, Issue 19). Wiley.
  • Valentini, C., Montes‐García, V., Ciesielski, A., & Samorì, P. (2024). Boosting Zinc Hybrid Supercapacitor Performance via Thiol Functionalization of Graphene‐Based Cathodes. In Advanced Science (Vol. 11, Issue 22). Wiley.
  • Guo, H., Montes‐García, V., Peng, H., Samorì, P., & Ciesielski, A. (2024). Molecular Connectors Boosting the Performance of MoS2 Cathodes in Zinc‐Ion Batteries. In Small (Vol. 20, Issue 29). Wiley.
  • Safuta, M., Valentini, C., Ciesielski, A., & Samorì, P. (2024). Tailoring electrochemically exfoliated graphene electroactive pathways in cementitious composites for structural health monitoring of constructions. In Nanoscale (Vol. 16, Issue 33, pp. 15824–15833). Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
  • Han, B., & Samorì, P. (2024). Engineering the Interfacing of Molecules with 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Enhanced Multifunctional Electronics. In Accounts of Chemical Research (Vol. 57, Issue 17, pp. 2532–2545). American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Dai, S., Xie, M., Wang, C., Wang, Y., Han, B., Xu, S., Wang, K., Zhuravlova, A., Xu, B., Chi, L., Tian, W., Samorì, P., & Liu, Z. (2024). Highly efficient organic–graphene hybrid photodetectors via molecular peripheral editing. In Journal of Materials Chemistry C (Vol. 12, Issue 36, pp. 14667–14674). Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
  • Gullace, S., Abruzzese, M., Cusin, L., Saleh, G., Thorat, S. B., Gamberini, A., Bellani, S., Ciesielski, A., Bonaccorso, F., & Samorì, P. (2024). Covalent organic framework-based Li–S batteries: functional separators promoting Li+ transport and polysulfide trapping. In Journal of Materials Chemistry A (Vol. 12, Issue 37, pp. 25359–25370). Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
  • Mei, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, P., Ricciardulli, A. G., Samorì, P., & Yang, S. (2024). Entropy Engineering of 2D Materials. In Advanced Science. Wiley.
  • Tamayo, A., Danowski, W., Han, B., Jeong, Y., & Samorì, P. (2024). Light‐Modulated Humidity Sensing in Spiropyran Functionalized MoS2 Transistors. In Small. Wiley.
  • Ju, Z., Chen, Y., Li, P., Ma, J., Xu, H., Liu, Y., & Samorì, P. (2024). Dressing AgNWs with MXenes Nanosheets: Transparent Printed Electrodes Combining High‐Conductivity and Tunable Work Function for High‐Performance Opto‐Electronics. In Advanced Materials. Wiley.
  • Sara Gullace, Matteo Abruzzese, Luca Cusin, Gabriele Saleh, Sanjay B. Thorat, Agnese Gamberini, Sebastiano Bellani, Artur Ciesielski, Francesco Bonaccorso, Paolo Samori (2024). Covalent organic framework-based Li–S batteries: functional separators promoting Li+ transport and polysulfide trapping. In Journal of MAterials Chemistry A.
  • Harneet Kaur, Bharathi Konkena, Mark McCrystall, Kevin Synnatschke, Cian Gabbatt, Jose Munera, Ross Smith, Yumei Jiang, Raman Bekarevich, Lewys Jones, Valeria Nicolosi, Jonathan N. Coleman (2024). Liquid-Phase Exfoliation of Arsenic Trisulfide (As2S3) Nanosheets and Their Use as Anodes in Potassium-Ion Batteries. ACS Publications.
  • Valentini, C., Montes-García, V., Pakulski, D., Samorì, P., & Ciesielski, A. (2024). Covalent organic frameworks and 2D materials hybrids: Synthesis strategies, properties enhancements, and future directions. In Small. doi:10.1002/smll.202410544

Project progress


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